Bernice Durand


Associate Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Climate, 2003-
Plan 2008 - Co-chair for the development and implementation of the UW-Madison diversity
      plan, 1998-2001
Physical Sciences Committee to implement Women in Science and Engineering (WISE)
      initiative, 1994-95
Co-editor, WISE recommendations adopted by chancellor, deans, 1993-94
Chair, L&S Curriculum Committee which developed the L&S and campus ethnic studies
     requirement 1987-89
Responsible for implementing the ethnic studies requirement university wide, 1988-89


Women in Science and Engineering (WISE):
Member of leadership team, Women in Science and Engineering Leadership Institute
      (WISELI), 2001--. Funded by the National Science Foundation at $3.75M over five years
     to enhance the campus presence and status of women in science and engineering
Seminar leader and mentor for residential WISE program, 1995-96
Physical Sciences Committee to implement WISE report, 1994-95
Report on stategies for recruiting and retaining WISE, 1995
Co-editor, report on Women in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering at the UW-Madison,
Sigma Delta Epsilon, Graduate Women in Science, Beta Chapter, UW
Member, 1973-
President, Secretary, Chair of several events, 1978-79
Chair, National Science Education Committee, Graduate Women in Science, 1991-93
Talk on concerns of Women in Science, April 1992
High School Science Day for girls, 1973- (nearly every year), now called
      "Expanding Your Horizons," about 350 participants annually
Speaker, Status of High Energy Physics, 1978
Graduate Student programs, 1976-
Workshop for assistant professors on improving teaching, March 1995
Graduate Women Discussion Group, talks on issues of interest to women in academic
      careers, April 1992
Women Faculty Mentoring Program, 1988- ; 4 mentees from Meteorology, Industrial
      Engineering, Neurosurgery, and Medical Physics
Faculty Network program for new women and minority faculty members speaker, 1981, 82
Los Alamos National Laboratory Women's Month
Director's Colloquium on Gender Equity in Large Research Organizations, March, 1992
Women's Studies Program
Guest lecturer in Women's Studies 430 (Biology and Psychology of Women) on the
      psychology of women in science, 1983
Workshops for adult women:
Leader, "Retooling Strategies for the Future: Scientific and Technical Careers," 1983, 85, 87
Retooling workshop for white-collar professional women, private sector, 1985
Workshop speaker on females in male-dominated professions, 1983, 85, 87

Wisconsin Women in Psychology
Speaker for Conference on Loneliness of Women: subject of talk ``Loneliness in
      Male-Dominated Professions" (talk transcribed for the organization's journal), 1984

Society of Women Engineers
Keynote speaker for seven-state regional conference involving 20 universities, 1983
Speaker on high energy physics for local chapter, 1979

Radio Programs
WHA statewide broadcast to high school classes on opportunities in physics, 1983
WHA interview on women entering scientific and technical careers, 1983
WORT program on women in science, 1980

Book Review
Women in Mathematics, by Lynn M. Osen, Madison Press Connection, December 1979

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