Bernice Durand
- Associate Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Climate, 2003-
- Plan 2008 - Co-chair for the development and
implementation of the UW-Madison diversity
      plan, 1998-2001
- Physical Sciences Committee to implement Women in Science and Engineering (WISE)
      initiative, 1994-95
- Co-editor, WISE recommendations adopted by chancellor, deans, 1993-94
- Chair, L&S Curriculum Committee which developed the L&S and campus ethnic studies
     requirement 1987-89
- Responsible for implementing the ethnic studies requirement university wide, 1988-89
- Women in Science and Engineering (WISE):
- Member of leadership team, Women in Science and Engineering Leadership Institute
      (WISELI), 2001--. Funded by the National Science Foundation at $3.75M over five years
     to enhance the campus presence and status of women in science and engineering
- Seminar leader and mentor for residential WISE program, 1995-96
- Physical Sciences Committee to implement WISE report, 1994-95
- Report on stategies for recruiting and retaining WISE, 1995
- Co-editor, report on Women in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering at the UW-Madison,
- Sigma Delta Epsilon, Graduate Women in Science, Beta Chapter, UW
- Member, 1973-
- President, Secretary, Chair of several events, 1978-79
- Chair, National Science Education Committee, Graduate Women in Science,
- Talk on concerns of Women in Science, April 1992
- High School Science Day for girls, 1973- (nearly every year), now
      "Expanding Your Horizons," about 350 participants annually
- Speaker, Status of High Energy Physics, 1978
- Graduate Student programs, 1976-
- Mentoring:
- Workshop for assistant professors on improving teaching, March 1995
- Graduate Women Discussion Group, talks on issues of interest to women in
      careers, April 1992
- Women Faculty Mentoring Program, 1988- ; 4 mentees from Meteorology, Industrial
Engineering, Neurosurgery, and Medical Physics
- Faculty Network program for new women and minority faculty members
speaker, 1981, 82
- Los Alamos National Laboratory Women's Month
- Director's Colloquium on Gender Equity in Large
Research Organizations, March, 1992
- Women's Studies Program
- Guest lecturer in Women's Studies 430 (Biology and Psychology
of Women) on the
      psychology of women in science, 1983
- Workshops for adult women:
- Leader, "Retooling Strategies for the
Future: Scientific and Technical Careers," 1983, 85, 87
- Retooling workshop for white-collar professional women, private sector, 1985
- Workshop speaker on females in male-dominated professions, 1983, 85, 87
- Wisconsin Women in Psychology
- Speaker for Conference on Loneliness of Women: subject of talk
``Loneliness in
      Male-Dominated Professions" (talk transcribed for the
organization's journal), 1984
- Society of Women Engineers
- Keynote speaker for seven-state regional conference involving 20
universities, 1983
- Speaker on high energy physics for local chapter, 1979
- Radio Programs
- WHA statewide broadcast to high school classes on opportunities in
physics, 1983
- WHA interview on women entering scientific and technical careers, 1983
- WORT program on women in science, 1980
- Book Review
- Women in Mathematics, by Lynn M. Osen,
Madison Press Connection, December 1979
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