Due Friday, September 25, 1998
Reading: Goldstein, Chap. 3
Problems: Goldstein, 2.11, 2.17; LD 4, 5, 6
This problem gives an example of a bifurcation of solutions, dynamical symmetry breaking, or of a dynamical phase or state transition in which an initially stable "vacuum" (the lowest energy state of the system) becomes unstable and replaced by a new stable vacuum state. The original solution remains as an unstable equilibrium. The words used in this description indicate some of the other places in which phenomena of this type are important. |
New concept: The Schrödinger wave function is an example of a field, a continuous function of a spatial coordinate x (and the time in general). is the dynamical generalized coordinate. x is not a dynamical variable, but simply specifies where the field is measured, just as t in q(t) specifies when the dynamical coordinate q is measured. H is the Hamiltonian density for the field. |
This is a problem on the use of Noether's theorem. The boost operator K has a simple physical interpretation. What is it? And why, knowing its interpretation, should K be a constant of the motion? |
The isotropic oscillator has a large group of symmetry transformations, the group SU(n) of n-dimensional unitary transformations. We are establishing only a subset here. The rest will appear when we go to the Hamiltonian form of mechanics. |
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