My Home Page: Lee G. Pondrom
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I am finally getting around to creating my own web page.  I will outline some of my interests and accomplishments.  I hope to embellish it more with various links etc as time goes on.

Here are two pictures taken around the house.  The left one is at the dining room table, where I do most of my lecture preparation.
The right one is in the back yard under the maple tree.  The Japanese lantern is from Makabe, not too far from Tsukuba and KEK.

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My Background

My undergraduate training was at Southern Methodist University  ,  and my graduate work was at the University of Chicago  .  I learned quantum mechanics from Fermi and Wentzel.  My thesis was a study of pion production in p-p collisions using the Chicago cyclotron, under the direction of Albert Crewe and Uli Kruse.  I  graduated in 1958.   Lots of interesting physics was going on at that time at Chicago, Columbia, Brookhaven, and Berkeley.  The nonconservation of parity led to many precision measurements with muons. Antiprotons and strange particles were produced at accelerators for the first time.  The bubble chamber and the transistor were invented.  I used an enormous computer (with vacuum tubes, of course) at Argonne to invert an error matrix for my thesis.
After two years in the US Air Force, I joined the faculty at Columbia University as an instructor in 1960. Nevis   Labs had an outstanding reputation.   Lederman, Schwartz, and Steinberger were active both at Nevis and at Brookhaven.  Jerry Rosen, Wonyong Lee, Paulo Franzini, and I were junior faculty. Walter LeCroy did the electronics.   Mu capture in hydrogen, muonium formation, and the pi->e/pi->mu branching ratio were a few of the experiments at Nevis.  Steinberger had an ongoing bubble chamber program at Brookhaven.  Lederman, Schwartz, and Steinberger joined forces for the famous neutrino experiment at the AGS.  While at Columbia I married Cyrena Norman in 1961.

I came to Wisconsin in 1963.  I worked as a visitor at the Chicago cyclotron, Brookhaven  , the Penn-Princeton Accelerator, and the ZGS at Argonne until Fermilab was built around 1970.   I have visitor's badge number 00085 at Fermilab.  I have served as secretary to the Fermilab Users Organization, chairman of the PAC, member of the board of trustees of URA, and on numerous other Fermilab committees.  I have been periodically on the Fermilab staff on leave from Wisconsin.  I won the Panofsky Prize of the APS for work done at Fermilab in a hyperon beam.  I joined the CDF    collaboration led by Alvin Tollestrup and Roy Schwitters in 1980.   I am still a member of  CDF , preparing for collider run 2, planned to begin in March, 2001.

Besides Fermilab committees, I was on the Brookhaven program committee when Sam Ting discovered the J particle.  I was on the HEPAP subpanel that pulled the plug on Isabelle, and I have been a member of HEPAP twice.  I was chairman of the APS Division of Particles and Fields, and chairman of Snowmass '86.  I have been on the  SLAC Scientific Policy Committee when it advised Don Kennedy, then president of Stanford.  More recently, I have served on DOE review committees for the US LHC experiments.I have been chair of the Wisconsin Physics Department for the past three years,  1997-2000.

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