Physics 623
Physics 623
Digital to Analog and Analog to Digital Conversion
Nov. 19, 1999
1 Purpose
- To examine some of the techniques used for analog to digital and
digital to analog conversion.
- To illustrate one application of electronics used to
interface instrumentation to digital computers.
2 Discussion
The Integrated Circuits you need are:
MC1408 - an eight bit ``R-2R'' DAC which accepts TTL inputs;
74193 - a synchronous 4-bit Up/Down TTL counter;
TIL 311 - an LED Hexadecimal ``Hex'' display Integrated Circuit;
LM311 - an Analog Comparator and the;
7400 - a quad NAND TTL gate.
In this experiment we will use an IC digital to analog converter (DAC) to
create an analog voltage level proportional to a number held in a TTL digital
In order to obtain an Analog-to-Digital (ADC) function, the DAC must be placed
in a negative feedback loop.
The analog voltage generated by the DAC is compared to the unknown analog
voltage and the number in the register adjusted, depending on the difference,
until the difference is less than the voltage corresponding to one bit.
3 Procedure
- Wire a single 74193 TTL 4 bit counter with a TIL-311 7-segment display and
toggle it with
one of the debounced spring loaded switches on the bread-board panel.
Verify that the counter is sequential over the 16 step range from zero to F
and that it can count both up and down.
- Connect two 74193 units together to make an 8-bit counter with two display
readouts. The appropriate connections are shown in Fig. 1.
L | +5V
R | High to clear, Low otherwise
CLK UP and | Use one or the other to clock,
CLK DOWN | the unused one must be high. |
Fig. 1: 8 bit Binary Ripple Counter
- Now wire up the MC1408 DAC as shown in Figure 2 and connect the input
data lines to the output of the 8-bit counter. Run the entire system as a
DAC, driving the counter with the pulser. The DAC will give approximately
0-4 Volts over the full 8-bit range.
Fig. 2: Connections to an MC1408 Digital to Analog Converter
- If a comparator circuit is added, as shown in Figure 3, you have
a tracking analog to digital converter (ADC).
The LM311 comparator compares this with the
DAC output and stops the clock when the comparator changes state.
Note that a NAND gate must be added. Add two TIL 311 Hex displays to get
a decimal two digit readout (See Fig. 4).
Fig. 3: Analog to Digital Conversion Circuit
- Determine the response characteristics of the circuit by measuring
the counter output as a function of Vin. Note
that the + and - input pin labels of the LM311 analog comparator are
reversed from those of the non-inverting (+) and
inverting (-) inputs of the 741 operational amplifier.
This circuit will track only towards an increasing Negative Voltage.
Can you modify this circuit so that it will track in both directions?
This modification introduces a problem called ``hunting'' where the count
changes back and forth by one or two counts.
Can you think of a way to stabilize the display to make it easier to read?
Fig. 4 : TIL 311 Hexadecimal Display
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On 20 Nov 1999, 15:25.