Bernice Durand



Aspen Center for Physics
General Member of the Corporation, 1980-86, 1990-2000;
Trustee, 1980-86, 1991-93; Honorary Trustee, 2000-
Executive Committee 1985-86; Advisory Committee to Board of Trustees, 1987-90
Producer, 50 minute video on the founding and early history of the Physics Center, 2002
Organizer, 40th anniversary celebration of the founding of the Physics Center, 2002
Community Relations Committee (chair), 1997-
Website Committee, 1999-
Finance Committee, Corporate and Laboratory Fundraising (chair), 1993-97
Workshop organizer: mathematics and physics, 1979; multiparticle interactions, 1986
Participant, all summers 1971-present, except 1980, 81
Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA)
Review committee on the status of women and climate at the Space Telescope
Science Institute, 2002
Chair, committee on the status of women and workplace climate at the Space Telescope
Science Institute, 2003-2010
International Advisory Committees:
Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum IV, Vienna, Austria, July 2000
Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum III, Jefferson Laboratory, 1998
Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum II, Como, Italy, 1996
XXth International Conference on High Energy Physics, Madison, 1980
Local organizing committee: organized special session with Salam, Lederman, Gell-Mann,
Van Hove, Ne'eman; handled travel aid to about 30 delegates from foreign countries;
organized assistant scientific secretaries; general organization
Candidate for Nominations Committee from Physics Section, 1979, 1991
Kellogg Commission
UW delegate to the "Returning to Our Roots Symposium," Washington, March, 2000
      (invited by Chancellor Ward to conference on future of universities)
Iowa State University Department of Physics and Astronomy
Advisory Council, 1992-97, 2000-
Fundraising Committee Chair 1992-97
Established Bernice Black Durand Research Scholarship for an undergraduate woman or
      minority student in physics or astronomy, 1992
Iowa State University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Dean's Advisory Council 1994-97
Sigma Delta Epsilon, Graduate Women in Science
Chair, National Science Education Committee, 1991-92
Annenberg Washington Program Conference on university speech harassment policies
Invited participant, Washington, D.C., April 1990
Consultant on ethnic studies for University of Arizona, February 1990

Consultant on physics curriculum for Palo Alto College (San Antonio), November 1989

Friends of Fermilab
Advisory Board for National Summer Institute for High School Physics Teachers, 1984-85


National Kidney Foundation, South Central WI Chapter Board of Directors, 1982, 83

AAUP State Nominating Committee (Chair), 1974, 77


Associate Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Climate, 2003-
For a summary of diversity and climate activities, and women in science activities, click here.
Established Bernice Durand Undergraduate Research Scholarship for an undergraduate woman
or minority student in Physics or Astronomy, 2002
Chancellor's Advisory Council, 2001--
Chair, UW Athletic Board, 2001--
Chancellor Search Committee for UW-Madison, 2000, Chair
UW System Search Committee for UW System Chief Academic Officer, 2000 (acting chair), 2001

Elected University-wide committees, UW-Madison:
University Committee (Executive Committee of the Faculty), 1997-2000; chair, 1999-2000
      PROFS Steering Committee, 1997-2000
      Chair, PROFS board of directors, 1999-2000
      UW-Madison representative to CIC, 1997-2000
      UW-Madison representative to UW System, 1999-2000
      University Academic Planning Council, 1997-98
Committee on Committees, 1995-97
Faculty Senate, 1977-80, 1987-91, 1994-96
Library Committee 1990-94, Chair 1991-3; Chair, Budget Subcommittee, 1993
Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities, 1979-80
Appointed University-wide Committees:
Future of Sports Medicine working group, 2002
Plan 2008 - Co-chair for the development and implementation of the UW-Madison diversity
      plan, 1998-2001
Athletic Board, 1996-
      Chair, Personnel Committee, 1998-99, 2000-01, Chair of Board 2001-
Distance Education Response to Regents' Report Committee, 1996
Provost's Distance Education Committee, strategic planning group, 1994-96
Physical Sciences Committee to implement Women in Science and Engineering (WISE)
      initiative, 1994-95
      Co-editor, WISE recommendations adopted by chancellor, deans, 1993-94
Campus Information Technology Infrastructure Strategic Planning Committee, 1993
University Housing Advisory Committee, 1990-92
Undergraduate Research Symposia Chair, 1991
University Honors Committee, 1990-91
Undergraduate Education Committee, 1989-90
Academic Staff Area Review Committee (Physical Sciences and Engineering), 1987-90
Student Conduct Policy Committee, 1987-88, Co-Chair, 1988-89
Academic Misconduct Review Committee, 1986-88
Search and Screen Committee for Dean of Students, 1987
Student Conduct Hearing Panel, 1986-88
Chancellor's Committee on High School/University Curriculum Liaison, 1979-80
College of Letters and Science:
L&S Academic Planning Council, 1994-97 (elected)
L&S Outreach Committee, 1994-96
Ad hoc L&S Committee on Ford Foundation Course Development grant, 1992-93
L&S Curriculum Committee, 1986-89, Chair 1987-89.
      Developed the L&S and campus ethnic studies requirement 1987-88
Responsible for implementing the ethnic studies requirement university wide, 1988-89
L&S Committee on General Education and review of Integrated Liberal Studies Program,
L&S Committee on Communications Skills, 1978-79
Physics Department committees chaired (served on numerous others):
Department ombudsperson, 2002--
Lecture Room, Chair 2000-
TA Review Committee, 1997-99, Chair 1998-99
New Staff Committee, 1994-97, Chair 1996-97
Introductory Courses Committee, 1993-94, Chair 1994
Space Committee, 1992-97, Chair 1994-97; 1999-2000
Graduate Program Committee, 1982-83, Fall 1983 (Chair); 1986-88
Department Representative on the L&S Faculty Advising Service, 1983
Ad Hoc Honorary Degree Committee (J.V. Atanasoff), Chair, 1986-87
Undergraduate Activities Committee, Chair, 1977-78
AAUP Secretary-Treasurer, UW-Madison, 1973-74

Engineering Exposition judge, 1979, 81, 83, 85
Guidance Institute for Talented Students symposium speaker, 1982
Junior Science, Engineering, and Humanities Symposium, 1979


Presentation to the Student Personnel Association on how turn a plan into action, March, 2000
School of Library and Information Studies Colloquium
How the University Library Committee Gives Policy Advice, October 1993
Presentation in Educational Policy Studies course 460, Cultural Pluralism and Educational
How the UW-Madison ethnic studies requirement was conceived and implemented,
      April 1992
Panel on consciousness of women's and minorities' concerns, Mortar Board, April, 1991
Panel on the Future of the Book, Conference on same topic, UW General Library System, 1991
Speaker, UW System Conference on Curriculum Development for the 21st Century, November 1989
Radio programs on diversity and science:
WHA interview on Plan 2008, 1999
WHA "To the Best of Our Knowledge", on nuclear power (December 1994)
WHA statewide broadcast interviews on modern physics for the general public:
      field theory (April, 1990)
      quantum mechanics (February, 1990)
      relativity (October 1989)
TV lectures on "Ideas of Modern Physics" broadcast locally 1991- , statewide 1997- , Aspen, 1996-
Recent Public lectures:
Lectures to the public and to physics classes at Ripon College on three subjects in
      modern physics, April 2001
Lectures on relativity, sponsored by Physics Club, April 1995
Bascom Hill Society talk on science education, June 1995
Popular lectures on five subjects in modern physics, Aspen, 1997, 1998

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