Due Friday, February 5, 1999

Reading: Jackson, Secs. 12.3-12.10

Problems: Jackson 11.13, 11.16(a), (b); LD4, LD5, LD6

   11.16: This is a problem on the use of invariance arguments to generalize the expressions for covariant quantities obtained in a particular Lorentz frame to an arbitrary Lorentz frame. The result in (a) may be clearer physically if the (U·J)U in the expression given is put on the righthand side of the equation and reexpressed in terms of the charge density in the rest frame of the wire.

     Particle distributions in high-energy collider detectors are commonly plotted in terms of and the azimuthal angle around the beam direction. The maximum energy of pions produced in the Fermilab proton-antiproton collider is 900 GeV, corresponding to a true rapidity equal to 9.5, with most particles at considerably small values. While the psuedorapidity diverges for vanishing transverse momentum (small angles), the approximation breaks down when the transverse momentum is small relative to the particle mass. The difference is generally not important practically.
   This problem illustrates the complications that arise in transforming coordinate systems because of the Wigner rotation. The effect of two successive boosts, from a frame K to K' and then to K'', is not the same as the effect of a boost directly from K to K'', but differs from the latter by the Wigner rotation. The representation of the Lorentz transformations in terms of 2 × 2 matrices applies to transformations of coordinates, and builds the rotation in automatically.

(a): The expressions you will obtain in (a) will look unfamiliar because all quantities are expressed in terms of half-angles and the rotation is built in. The usual expressions for the transformation of a four vector x can be recovered by multiplying the matrix which represents x left and right by the transformation matrix and its Hermitean conjugate. However, we are concerned here with the properties of the transformations themselves so that step is unnecessary. Also, it's easy to get used to half angles!

(b): To compare your result for the extra rotation angle in (b) with the expression for the Thomas angle given in Jackson, you will need to rewrite your result in terms of quantities defined in the original Lorentz frame K, that is, the rapidities of the boosts from K to K' and directly from K to K'', and the (small) angle between the directions of the two boosts. The relations for hyperbolic triangles will be useful. Work to first order in the small quantities.

   This method was used to determine the parity of the , but with a variation: A virtual high-energy photon can convert to an electron-positron pair (a "Dalitz pair") with a probability of about 1/170. The charged particles tend to lie in the plane of E (why?), so by looking at the correlation of the planes of double Dalitz pairs in the decay , one can measure the correlation of the photon polarizations and determine the parity of the . For some original references see C.N. Yang, Phys. Rev. 77, 242, 722 (1950); N. Kroll and W. Wada, Phys. Rev. 98, 1355 (1955); and for the original measurement, R. Plano et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 3, 525 (1959).

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