Due Friday, March 26, 1999

Reading: Jackson, Chap. 15

Problems: Jackson, 15.4, 15.9; LD10, LD11

   15.7:  The differential cross section is . In calculating the transverse impulse, write the transverse force as , and take the derivative outside the longitudinal integral.

   LD10:Calculations of this sort lead to the statement that the change in the electromagnetic field of a relativistic particle is radiated away in any sudden transition. Think about how this calculation is connected to the calculation of bresstrahlung in a hard scattering. The result in any of these cases, given the fact that the field of the particle is predominantly transverse to its direction of motion, is a burst of radiation in a narrow cone with angular width relative to its inital and final directions.

   LD11: It is important to add the fields coherently. You may drop the nonresonant term obtained after integration over t'. Show how the result is to be transformed to the laboratory frame, that is, give the transformations for the frequency and angles, and discuss their implications for this problem.

It was shown only recently that this method can be used to derive the expressions 14.67 and 14.71 in Jackson used to treat synchrotron radiation by considering Thomson scattering in a sequence of instantaneous rest frames for the accelerated particle, with the fields added coherently in the laboratory frame. See R. Lieu and W.I. Axford, Astrophysical J. 447, 302 (1995), 416 700 (1993).

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